Novolyalinsky Pulp and Paper Mill – a large enterprise with a full production cycle – from chip cutting, pulping to paper and paper products, is a city-forming enterprise. The impetus for the development of the wood processing and paper industries on the eastern slope of the Northern Urals was the construction in 1901 – 1905. railway and the relocation of inhabitants from central provinces to small settlements, which began after 1890, and, in particular, to the area of Lyalya station.
The construction of the Novolyalinsky Pulp and Paper Mill began in April 1913, under the supervision of Finnish engineers. At the same time, a paper mill with a wood-mass mill, a sawmill, a power station, mechanical workshops and the village itself were being built. Construction lasted a little over a year, and in June 1914 the production of brown paper and lumber began.
The construction of a pulp and sulfate plant began shortly before the October Revolution of 1917. Equipment for the plant was purchased in Finland. The digesters were rotating, pulp washing was carried out in diffusers, with a capacity of up to 10 tons per day. Pulp production began in November 1922. It was the firstborn of sulfate-cellulose production in the USSR, on the basis of which specialists were trained, experience was accumulated for the further development of this industry.
In the period from 1930 to 1992, production was reconstructed and modernized to increase capacity, improve the quality and quantity of manufactured products, save raw materials, materials and energy resources, reduce costs and develop new types of products.
With the transition to a market economy in the 90s, the issue of saving raw materials, materials and energy resources, the transition to the production of products demanded in the market, was an acute question. CHP is converted to the combustion of gaseous fuels. The cardboard workshop with 100% wood pulp switched to the production of cardboard from waste paper and composite waste paper, work was carried out on the use of recycled water in production. At the site of the dismantled equipment of the wood-mass department, equipment for the preparation of waste paper for PM № 2 for the production of paper for the production of corrugated cardboard and brown paper is installed. Instrumentation and automation equipment was installed in the pulp mill to monitor compliance with technological regulations; capacitive equipment for storing liquors and pulp stock was installed. In the bag shop on the lines of glued bags installed flexographic equipment. Currently, production is being updated in the bag shop – equipment from the German company Windmöller & amp; Hölscher for the production of glued bags for building mixtures was purchased.
The plant’s products are supplied to large domestic enterprises in the food, construction, metallurgical, chemical industries, and to automobile industry enterprises. The products are in great demand in the countries of the Near Abroad – especially cement plants.